DDOCast 375 - Ask the Devs: Update 25

DDOcast show

Summary: This week we Ask the Devs about the upcoming Update 25 & Temple of Elemental Evil! Steelstar, Knockback, Severlin, No Worries & Cordovan give us a tour and answer some questions! Production Note: Due to some unfortunate video issues, most of the footage you will see is in fact myself wandering through the Temple of Elemental Evil, though I did make an effort to line up my own wanderings with most of the descriptions. Check out www.ddocast.com for mp3 audio, our show calendar, swag, archives, and more! Want to support the show? You can feed the kobolds (give money) on our website www.ddocast.com! We use these gifts to support the show and give out prizes. Have ideas for round table topics, questions you want to ask us, or topics youd like to see us debate? Leave us a comment, send us an email (ddocast@gmail.com) or give us a tweet (@ddocast)! Ask the Devs: U25 & ToEE Tour - 1:12 News - 47:04 Lightning Post - 1:02:13 Closing - 1:04:34 U25 Lamannia Release Notes - https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/438926-Lamannia-Release-Notes-(Last-Updated-3-19-15) DDO Chronicle 134 - https://www.ddo.com/en/news/ddo-chronicle-issue-134 High Lords of Malkier Abbot Training - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArrdIsxE0AY