Islamophobia, xenophobia and lack of accountability in the Atheist Community

Black FreeThinkers show

Summary: Please join us Sunday 10AM CST as we discuss the hate crime that took place this week.  For those unaware, three Muslim students were murdered over an alleged parking dispute.  The murderer entered the home of the students and killed them execution style.  The media and police are hesitant to call it a hate crime.  The atheist community are attempting to distance themselves from this matter.  I am seeing 'No True Scotsman' fallacies everywhere.  I find it interesting that when it's a white person, they are judged as individuals. People are claiming that this domestic terrorist was mentally ill and a lone wolf.  However, people of color are judged as groups and made accountable for the actions of individuals.  This double standard has been prevalent in this community. We will discuss how the atheist community has created and cultivated a toxic environment.  We have been calling this community out about the Islamophobia, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.; yet, it has not been addressed.  The mainstream atheist organizations have ignored the warning signs and have even attempted to make excuses for the bigotry. We spoke about this matter extensively on our TwitterChat and you can find more details here.  We want to continue this much needed discussion.  There will b more discussion on this in the future. The dial in number is 310-982-4273 and press 1 to speak with the hosts.