KJR 05-27-15 – Toast Their Buns Til It Hurts!

TheBlackSphere Radio Show show

Summary: Topics - 5-27-15  Conservative talk radio under fire  McDonald's has the secret to make their burgers better Apple glitch How's this for new lexicon... Romnification!  Soccer, IRS, Limbaugh  Cheating in SOCCER!  Yep. 104,000 got data stolen from IRS... Rush Limbaugh likely not too worried Labor unions want exemption Patriot Act Connect with us... Death toll in TX up to 19... wow!  World Cup shenanigans Discussing the US suing FIFA James Comey and Loretta Lynch in FIFA Update:  Sharpton daughter in big trouble  Under-insured the new buzzword Ann Coulter on Mexico Jeb Bush Jeb Bush funding evil