Daily Tip: Make Focus and Effort your best friends in Life

YOUR LIFE NOW Radio show with Coach Rea Wilke show

Summary: When you stay focused in life you are in control & when you are in control your life become better & better. Adding some well thought effort into your daily tasks, make everything possible. Try practicing staying focus throughout the day become easier and easier each time you are aware of it. To stay focus is to be present in this moment we call it now. It takes a practice and more practice to make it your way of life. The key to staying focus is to live in the now. Bring yourself back to this present moment where everything starts and begins. Ask yourself repeatedly throughout the day, what am I thinking about right now? What am I doing right now? How am I feeling right now? If your thinking and doing do not match what you really want, you are not focused. Take a step forward to recognizing what you are doing every moment of every day and watch your life become what you want it to be. Train your mind to be obedient, train your conscious mind to be obedient. Start getting organized in your mind and in the space around you.  start with your mind first because your mind have control of what you do. When you train your mind, your mind does what you want. Make a daily priority list and everything on that list should be important. Remember: Time is a gift take care of it, don't waste it. ~Coach Rea Wilke We love to hear from you, contact us today at: http://YourLifeNow.info Schedule your free call at:http://MeetMe.so/CoachRea