Free Guided Meditation and helpful TIPS

YOUR LIFE NOW Radio show with Coach Rea Wilke show

Summary: In the past couple weeks I shared with you few tips and helpful suggestions to help you tune in to the wisdom within you. I shared with you how to stay focused, how to be patient, and how to eliminate and deal with negative suggestions and negative thoughts. Today, I will share with you a free guided meditation to help you start your day with the right mental attitude. This guided meditation is an exercise that you do yourself, you can implement your own positive suggestions. Remember you are always in control when you realize the power you have within you. You can train your conscious mind to be obedient, so you can create the life that you desire. You are in control, and you choose to be happy, healthy and in control at any level of the mind including the out of conscious level and this is so. For more information on self-hypnosis or if you wish to receive a self-hypnosis sessions, contact us at: You can also schedule a free call with Coach Rea at: