ConsciousSHIFT with host Julie Ann Turner show

Summary: Patty will share practical exercises to assist us in finding a more balanced sense of ourselves in the midst of outer activity. As Patty reminds us, the old Shaker song says “It’s a gift to be simple” - and tells us that the solution is in the turning, until “by turning, turning, turning we come ‘round right.” When we turn away for a short time from activities, goals and commitments — and toward the inner self — we discover a world that’s just as active and full of surprises as the outer one. Turning our attention to the world within allows us to reconnect with that person who we essentially are, in the depths of our being. Join Julie Ann and Patty, as they explore some of the 52 reflections on familiar life situations from FINDING TIME, that you may use to stay inwardly alive and present to meet life’s many challenges — to pause and reflect at any moment of the day.