Seattle Kitchen: Cider, Cava, Food and Film plus Tasty Trivia

Seattle Kitchen show

Summary: This week on the show There is a huge cider competition happening this weekend and we'll get a preview of what will be judged - plus an update on the new cider legislation in our area with special guest: Colin Schilling: Northwest Cider Association Board Secretary and Head Cidermaker at Schilling Cider, we'll get a lesson in Cava from our friend Mike Teer at Pike and Western Wine Shop, we'll talk about food and film - what foodie movies we love and why film & food are becoming a more prominent paring, "What's In Your Fridge" - the visual version - as we received some great fridge pictures on our Facebook Page, "Food Club Game" - The rules, 1 ingredient that has to be used in every dish the Appetizer, Main Course, Dessert and Cocktail and this week we work with Ginger plus Tasty Trivia!