The Other Side, Pastor Jonathan O'Reilly, Mar 15, 2015

The Rock of KC show

Summary: - Mark 4:35-41, 5:1, 6:45-54 - focus on "then" and "when" - how many of us ask God "Am I there yet?" - what do we do when we're not where we used to be but were not quite where we're suppoed to be? It's in the meantime. - the meantime matters - there are people involved in the meantime - we must look to Jesus - especially in the meantime - God had a mission for the guys on the other side (Mark 6:52) - in the meantime, they stayed in the boat around Jesus - in our meantime, we stay in the church and near to Jesus - celebrate that we're not where we used to be and there's greater things for us yet to come. - we've got to rest, trust, and remeber that Jesus is in charge - storms can be bad, but they always end - they don't last - Gal 6:9 - there is value and significance in the meantime - the more we stay close to Jesus, the more significant it is to stay close to Jesus