Crash the Chatterbox Series, Part 1, March 22, 2015

The Rock of KC show

Summary: Isaiah 55:1-3 Premise: the voice you believe will determine the future you experience - overpower the lights of the enemy with the promises of God 8 areas: 1. Call/Response - everything you see started with something God said in creation. We want to hear Gods voice above all others. Gen. 1:1-3 - your life is determined by what you haer and what you speak. God gives us the ability to choose what we hear and say. 2. Enemy/In Me - Beware of no man more than yourself; we carry our worst enemies with us (Charles Spurgeon). - No matter who you are or what things are around you. We have to learn to defy our inner critic. - The Chatter box is always interpreting what you are hearing. 3. Dialogue/Destiny - The worst thing about the chatter box is the destiny that it keeps us from discovering. - Lies create limitations. The limitations you embrace will keep you from seeing the destiny you were created for. Gen. 3:1-5 - You get to choose who you listen to - Luke 8:18 4. Deception/Distortion - "Did God really say?" - the enemy takes something God says and distorts it just a little bit in orer to deceive you. The enemy will distort what you did and try to convince you that is who you are. 5. Premise/Promise - your thoughts are to your soul what food is to your body (Matt. 4:1-4). - Let God's promise be your premise. 6. Consume/Consumed - you choose the thoughts that you consume and then they consume you. - If the enemy can get you to consume the things you were never meant to eat then he can get them to dominate you in your heart. 7. Detection/Defense - the thing that makes deception effective in your life is when it goes undetected 8. Whatever/Whatever - as you walk through life, there is going to be chatter - you get to choose what you listen to (Phil. 4:8-9)