Guard Your Heart, Part 2, May 24, 2015

The Rock of KC show

Summary: Prov. 4:23 - shrinking back, slippage, or drifting (Heb 10:38) - look at how our society has slipped overall 1. Renaissance - look how great man is 2. enlightenment - man can reason, master of his own destiny 3. industrial revolution - look how man can create 4. darwinism - humanism: don't need the concept of God - look at how Solomon's heart slipped (1 Kings 11:1-8) - he violated three commands expressly forbidden in Deut. 17 1. don't multiply horses to yourself 2. they were not to multiply an abundance of silver and gold 3. they were not to take more than one wife - the progression of Solomon's heart turning: 1. attraction (v1) he loved many foreign women, he had a wondering eye 2. pursuit (v2) he clung to these women, he pursued them 3. commitment (v3) he married them 4. toleration (v4) his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not loyal to the Lord his God 5. devotion to sin (v5-8) he went after the pagan gods and even built altars for them in Jerusalem