Episode 132// Linger in LOVE


Summary: I would love to connect with you. Thank you for the sweetest emails in the world, dear friends. I LOVE hearing from you. We are a family! Keep ‘em coming.email: sunroseyoga@gmail.comvoicemail:  503-583-2599TwitterInstagram FacebookThank you so much for sharing this space today. Episode 132 features a gentle yoga class all about love. We talk love in the language of Elizabeth Gilbert, Allen Watts and Jiddu Krishnamurti. We sense love in the body. We go to the struggle and to the shimmer. So glad you could join us.in LOVE,KellyNews//I hope you will join us for Clarity:: the mid-winter at-home retreat. We have some FANTASTIC collaborators on board and I cannot wait to share this with you. As always, this retreat is a free experience. To sign up, click here. Clarity begins on February 28th.Notes//For photos of all of the poses, click right here.Support//Thank you to everyone who has donated to the podcast! You make this possible!If you enjoy this podcast, please consider donating via paypal by clicking here. Thank you so much. I LOVE you.