Fire Cider – Top 10 Picks of Expo West 2015: #6

Nutritionally Speaking – Wholify show

Summary: Our #6 Top Pick is Fire Cider! A natural remedy to boost your immune system, fight inflammation and support circulation and digestion. A real winner!<br>  <br> Fire Cider<br> Fire Cider is a traditional natural remedy and tonic that can be taken daily to boost the immune system and fight off seasonal colds and flus. The basic recipe is a mixture of herbs, spices, fruits and vegetables steeped in apple cider vinegar for 4-8 weeks before being strained and mixed with honey. All the ingredients have a function and most of them work together to provide a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial effect. One taste and you’ll also notice that the flavor is like an explosion in your mouth! Think of soaking things like ginger, garlic, horseradish and habaneros in vinegar for over a month and then drinking it. That’s exactly what you’re doing with a swig of fire cider!<br>  <br> DIY<br> Where I live, there are a lot of people who do everything themselves–grow their own food, have chickens, nurture kombucha SCOBYs, pass off sourdough starters, and make Fire Cider. So, if you’re interested in learning, I’m sure you can find a class where you can learn to make it yourself. Or there are a lot of recipes online, like <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">this one from Mountain Rose Herbs</a> or <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">this one from Rosemary Gladstar </a>(who BTW is a wealth of knowledge and shares so much information on herbalism!).<br>  <br> Or Buy It<br> <br> If you can’t see yourself making this or if you need it now, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Shire City Herbals </a>has planned ahead and has bottled their own <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Fire Cider concoction </a>and even made a nifty shot glass that you can use to make your daily dose fun to take!<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Their Fire Cider</a> is steeped for 6 weeks, after which it is mixed with raw wildflower honey from a third generation, family-run apiary in Massachusetts. Their amber glass bottles (remember how important these are from our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">coconut oil video</a>?!), including the caps, are recyclable and protect the contents from damage.<br> If you’re really hard core (and I mean REALLY), they have an unsweetened version which means there is no sweet raw honey to take the edge off that habanero vinegar.<br> What’s more, they have a cookbook with all kinds of ways to use your Fire Cider other than taking shots. You can make dressings, marinades, or just spice up your normal fare.<br> <br>  <br> Whether you make it or buy it, a daily dose of Fire Cider could be just what your body needs. Drink on.<br>;<br>