The Whole Indy Show 04-17-15


Summary: Sandro &amp; Ashley are back with another slice of Indy goodness with another episode of The Whole Indy Show. The rundown of this week’s news includes The Briscoes staying in ROH for the foreseeable future, AIW’s JLIT competition reveals its full list of competitors, EVOLVE is coming to New York in May, WWE reveals its latest list of Indy acquisitions, Neveah is stripped of the WSU Spirit title due to injury, affecting May’s WSU show, Shinsuke Nakamura is returning to ROH and Mike Quackenbush is holding another wrestling seminar, this time at the Chikara Wrestle Factory. Then there’s results from Excellence Pro’s ‘Baba Ganoush’, Alpha-1’s ‘The Punished’, Dreamwave’s ‘Anniversary VI’, AAW’s ‘Hell Hath No Fury’ and SHIMMER 72 through to 75.<br> Results continue in part 2, with a rundown of CZW’s ‘Best Of The Best 14’ which not only saw a new tournament champion, but also the return of a CZW legend in Nick Gage. Sandro then reviews his trip to last weekend’s Five Borough Wrestling’s ‘Taps Out Cancer’ show, featuring some great matches, Paul London doing his usual (and quite unusual) stuff and a rather scary moment during the main event.<br> Finally, for the third segment, there’s previews of this weekend’s cards from On Point Wrestling, Charity Wrestling, 2CW’s Living On The Edge X – Night 2, and EVOLVE 41 and 42.<br> <a href=""></a><br>