November 2 – OA Literature: Think First & Before You Take That First Compulsive Bite, Remember…

Overeaters Anonymous show

Summary: “In OA you are among people who truly understand you, a part of something special. Welcome to Overeaters Anonymous. Welcome home!” (<a href="" target="_blank">Before You Take that First Compulsive Bite, Remember.</a>) This member shares how she found a home in Overeaters Anonymous in 1989 and has stayed abstinent by working the Twelve Steps and doing service for OA.The wallet card <a href="" target="_blank">Think First</a> and pamphlet <a href="" target="_blank">Before You Take That First Compulsive Bite, Remember</a> are two of her favorite pieces of OA literature. As she discusses the suggestions offered in this literature to avoid eating compulsively, she shares her own experience. “Thought does not have to equal action” is one of the ideas explored. These invaluable, inexpensive pieces of OA literature are available at the <a href="" target="_blank">OA Bookstore</a>.