December 7 – OA Literature: The Twelfth-Step-Within Handbook

Overeaters Anonymous show

Summary: What is “Twelfth-Step-Within”? Carrying OA’s message of recovery to those who still suffer within the OA Fellowship and addressing relapse, relapse prevention, and member retention. These topics are addressed in The Twelfth-Step-Within Handbook and by the Conference Twelfth-Step-Within Committee. This member shares how she was a chronic relapser for many years and how the principles discussed in this handbook have helped her get and stay abstinent for more than 10 years. She mentions many of the OA resources in this valuable handbook including ways to carry the message, sponsorship suggestions, ideas for a<a href="" target="_blank"> Twelfth-Step-Within packet</a>, suggestions for workshops and retreats, a suggested <a href="" target="_blank">Recovery from Relapse meeting format</a>, and talks in detail about using her favorite part of <a href="" target="_blank">The Twelfth-Step-Within Handbook</a>, the 30 “Slipping and Sliding” questions. This handbook is available at the <a href="" target="_blank">OA Bookstore</a>.