Step Six – June 14, 2015

Overeaters Anonymous show

Summary: “Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.” The Step Six workshop speakers share their individual stories of recovery and the vital part Step Six, “one of the most difficult of the Twelve Steps” (<a href="" target="_blank">OA 12&amp;12</a>, page 53),  plays in that recovery process. One of the speakers discusses why she found it so hard to be entirely ready to part with her defects, explains the concept of the payoff that kept her holding on to them and the key of an attitude of willingness: “Having such an attitude we cannot fail” (<a href="" target="_blank">OA 12&amp;12</a>, page 58). The other speaker provides guidance on how to take our Fourth Step defects and resentments and discover the assets many of these defects actually were until our compulsive eating turned them into defects. She helps explain how the <a href="" target="_blank">Steps</a> help us recapture the assets that were part of ourselves, so we can live happy, joyous and free, without the fear that we will be nothing without these defects.