Guild Wars Reporter Episode 139 – Post-Searing Fissure

Guild Wars Reporter show

Summary: Celeste and Allona finally get their short show! Sorta… They discuss Points of Interest briefly, Tuesday's patch, answer some (wonderful) listener queries, and ponder whether echoing eruptions or searing fissures are reasons to see a doctor. Audio Version What We Did This Week   Allona Had an amazing Silverwastes run. I was in the zone getting my MF as high as I could get it and just happened to have basically the perfect Silverwastes experience. Everything went so smooth! sidenote: one other time in SW I was running to help a pack dolyak. The dolyak event bugs out just as I notice another player is also there, and it’s Jalinar from Chronicles of Tyria! We chatted, laughed at the dolyak, exchanged muffin recipes. You know, regular stuff. Guild missions with Maven which was a lot of fun! PvPed some more. Still a Dolyak! I had a great interaction with someone from the other team in Skyhammer! Trucking along on mah Legendary progress. It’s drawing ever closer! Bought the ram balloon … it makes me unreasonably happy MADE THE BEE GUN!!!! Celeste Special thanks to Chonmaho for sending me a bonetti’s the day after the show last week. It was very sweet :) Steak N Potatoes Man has been reborn for another keyfarm, this time as a Charr Ranger Played with my son through Queensdale for a bit. Helped him with his personal story. He actually really likes the story and reads through all the text. Good on you, writers! (He asked me what an oligarchy was >.