Guild Wars Reporter Episode 149 – Jeepers! Reapers!

Guild Wars Reporter show

Summary: Celeste and Allona talk more about GW2 elite specialization reveals, include this Thursday's Necromancer Elite: the Reaper! They continue to have brief thoughts about previous Elites … or not so brief in the case of the Chronomancer (coughcoughAllonacough). Audio Version What We Did This Week   Allona Forgot to keep track of everything I did this week … so this is going from memory Rank 37 in sPvP Got weaponsmith to 500! Just armorsmithing left to go… and I ran out of bloodstone dust. Fractals and fungeons! I was late and they went long, but always fun! Stuff with Celeste! A few times … this almost never happens! Guild missions with Maven … third in the guild rush! More! Probably ... Celeste More Silverwastes with my Ranger, never did get a Portal. Sigh. Cultivated vine is done for Mawdrey. Getting there! ((Thanks to Blaise/IrishDog for sending me some spare plant food and foxfire. Allona and Hunter too for making some food for me)) Did a round of dailies, Tequatl, Balthazar with Hunter and Allona Magical PvP with Allona and Khaladen Ran around Orr for Foxfire and for zone completion on my ele, did a lot of temples and stuff Sold Frenzy and am now working on getting candy corn bags (and 1 invisible per) on all my alts. Got my first ever black lion claim ticket (that wasn’t from scraps combining)   Livestreaming Wednesday’s at 9:30pm EST/6:30pm PST at You can also subscribe to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes! Remember to rate and/or review Guild Wars Reporter.   Report from Lion’s Arch   Dwagon Huntah! Gives a full rundown of all the traits, skills, as well as some gameplay examples They tried to show off some synergy in traits and the way everything interacts   Reaper (obligatory listening) (maybe) “This devastating melee brawler is at home in battle when surrounded by as many enemies as possible, cleaving through hapless foes for life-force sustainment.” “One of the most immediate things you’ll notice when you take charge of the reaper in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™ is that the greatsword attacks are slow. In fact, most of the reaper’s attacks have a fairly sizeable cast time. Drawing on the themes of horror monsters, we wanted to express a sense of dread and weight behind each blow. This means that while the reaper doesn’t swing a greatsword as fast as other professions do, the damage modifiers and effects for each blow are much more pronounced.” Traits - Minor - Shroud Knight: new melee-focused skills for death shroud, gives access to Reaper’s shroud Minor - Shivers of Dread: “When you inflict fear on an opponent, you also inflict chill.” “By adding chill to fear, the reaper can easily close the gap on a helpless victim.” Minor - Cold Shoulder: “Chill lasts longer, and chilled foes deal less damage to you.” “Chilled foes also have a harder time dealing damage to the reaper, making the reaper an imposing foe for enemies without proper condition removal.” C: With these being the minor traits, I can’t wait to see a Reaper versus a Mallyck’s Revenant. While in Reaper’s Shroud you get to cleave, use a “scythe” (it’s a particle effect), and be up front Skill - Death’s Charge: spin and dash toward enemies, damages enemies in your path, and explodes into a poison cloud at the end Replaces Death Shroud’s Dark Path which was used to close the gap between you and enemies From Ten Ton - “Fortunately Death’s Charge still strips boons and converts them to conditions,