Guild Wars Reporter 158 – You Can’t Not Have Had Harpies

Guild Wars Reporter show

Summary: Celeste's cat-herding skills are sorely missed as Ultra gets thrown into the metaphorical fire; taking on full co-host duties with Allona. They discuss Adventures, Shiro, changes to Revenant, ummm … what else? … Oh yeah, and THE TEMPEST! Audio Version What We Did This Week   Ultra Finished Spirit smith, aether was the last one I had to make Did like 1 hour total of wvw Farmed up over 400 gold Lots of dueling with guildies Allona Made medium ascended gloves; only headpiece left! Such slow going … damn damask! PvPed with MMO Reporter after last show! More entertainingly, after a Windows update I was PvPing and kept dying only to realize my mouse wasn’t using the right profile and I had no heal skill! Fungeons and Fractals with MoCK on Saturday was a lot of fun. We did a low level fractal to take advantage of the dailies. But more importantly, we did Twilight Arbour Aetherpath! Go us! Guild missions with Maven. I was extra chatty … for no real reason. After missions, ran two paths of Sorrow’s Embrace with some Maven guildies. Mattsta needed the tokens. Tuesday night MoCK ran Honour of the Waves, just ‘cuz and one single fractal for the daily (got Harpies of course … of. course.)   Livestreaming Wednesday’s at 9:30pm EDT/6:30pm PDT at <a href=""></a>. You can also subscribe to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes! Remember to rate and/or review Guild Wars Reporter.   Report from Lion’s Arch   Adventuring Forth <a href=""></a> “Adventures are small, fast-paced, single-adventurer events that challenge you to master a wide variety of skills in a race against the clock. What’s more, adventures are custom-built with leaderboards that allow you to compete against your friends and guildmates for bragging rights.” “Each Adventure showcases a seemingly simple path to victory that requires strategy, practice, and mastery in order to excel and ultimately achieve success.” Shooting Gallery Adventure in Verdant Brink - “The premise of this Adventure is simple—you have a short amount of time to shoot as many targets as you can before the nobles’ shoddy craftsmanship begins to show and the target dummies degrade. You’re given a rifle with a few shots left, and you can collect additional ammunition that’s strewn about the area. Additionally, the nobles will give you ammunition as a reward for accuracy and prowess.” “We’ve designed every Adventure around learning the skills necessary to perfect them, building replay into the core of the activity”. “Finally, we believe that rapid iteration, including the ability to quit and restart quickly, is another key aspect of the Adventure experience. If, for whatever reason, you want to restart an Adventure early, you can close out your Adventure and hit the restart button to be teleported back to the beginning of the Adventure. We understand that if you’re trying to earn a place on the leaderboard where execution is key and every second counts, the downtime between attempts should be as short as possible.” “Each and every Adventure in the world has its own leaderboard, allowing you to compare your performance with those of your friends and your guildmates and encouraging social interaction.” “In addition to bragging rights, leaderboards will also provide you with sweet rewards. Each leaderboard can yield a daily participation reward, but the meat of the loot is at the top. Each board has three tiers—think gold, silver, and bronze—that require a certain minimum score or maximum time to enter. Upon entry in those prestigious tiers, you’ll be rewarded for your efforts.” A: Teemu Makinin replied to someone on Twitter (I only screencapped it and can’t find the tweet). While pretty harsh, it taps into how I felt reading about adventures: Competition? Race against the clock?