Rookie Designer 144 – Client Conundrum

Podcasts – Rookie Designer Podcast show

Summary: Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 144 – Client Conundrum Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 144 – Client Conundrum In this latest episode of Rookie Designer, Jake and Carl discuss a bit of a client conundrum that happened to Jake recently. They discuss what the situation was, how it was handled and what Jake could have done better. One of the things that is most important when it comes to being a freelance designer or a design business owner, is that you never stop learning from your mistakes. We all make them and it’s important to find out what you could have done better. Jake definitely has some areas to improve and is happy to share them with the listeners. Jake and Carl also introduce a new segment call “Tech Picks” where they will each discuss a some type of technology they really enjoy using as a designer. It may be a device or hardware, or it may be an app or another type of software. See below for the links to the Tech Picks for this week. Happy listening! TECH PICKS Carl – Adobe Muse Jake – Dropbox  Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 144 – Client Conundrum Rookie Designer Podcast - - Rookie Designer 144 – Client Conundrum