How to persevere and change your mentality when you struggle in training

RunnersConnect Run to the Top Podcast show

Summary: How does a runner go from running go from a Division II walk on to 4th place at the Olympic Trials and battle back from the disappointment of missing the World Championships due to injury? That’s the story of 2:12:34 marathoner Trent Briney. In this interview, you’ll hear how Trent persevered through 2 years of hard training and mediocre results to finally find the missing mental piece that allowed him to breakthrough and finish 4th place at the 2004 Olympic Trials with more than an 8-minute PR. You’ll also learn how Trent overcame the disappointment of a severe Achilles injury that left him at home, on the couch, watching his teammates run in two of the biggest marathons in the world. Races that he should have been a part of: the Olympics and the World Championships. Trent is going to tell you exactly how he flipped the mental switch and he unveils the secret to training! Here are the actionable highlights from the interview: 1. Don’t put limits on what you think you can accomplish Trent was a walk-on at a Division II school, but while his friends were out partying, Trent was learning the sport, running twice per day, and eventually finished just one second behind Olympian Michael Aish by his senior year. Take Action: Don’t be afraid to take chances with your training and push yourself. Pay attention to the little things, believe in yourself when no one else will, and focus on giving your best effort every training session and every race. 2. Sometimes improvements don’t come right away Trent was determined to qualify for the US Championships on the track. He needed to drop his PR by a mere 15 seconds to do so. However, despite upping his mileage, running stellar workouts, and giving it everything he could for 2 whole years, he wasn’t able to do so. Then, he learned to relax, changed his mindset, and proceeded to run near his PR 10k pace for 26.2 miles. When people ask Trent what his secret was, he tells them it's simple: the two years of hard work and mileage I put in when no one was watching. Take Action: Don’t get frustrated or give up if you’ve recently upped your training and aren’t seeing big results yet. Sometimes, it takes years for training to “kick” in, but when it does, you’ll run like you have a rocket pack strapped to your back. Fight the urge to give up! 3. Be happy One of the biggest turning points for Trent was when he learned that to train well, he had to be happy. Once he learned to stop thinking negative, dwelling on people and events that were not in his control, and focusing on himself he made the huge jump in fitness he was trying so hard to achieve. Take Action: Running requires sacrifices. Whether it be time from your family, fatigue, or less fun activities. If you’re not happy with what you’re giving up, running well will be difficult. Also, learn to turn negatives into positives and let go of the people and things in your life that are causing you stress. 4. Adapting your training as you get older After years of running high mileage and being in a perpetual state of tiredness, Trent has learned to listen to his body more and use the accumulation of mileage over the years so he can train more specifically and with more purpose. Take Action: As you get older and more experienced as a runner, you can afford to take a few extra easy days or off days because your body has built up the aerobic engine. Learn to listen to your body more as you get older. This is an awesome interview, especially if you have doubts about how far you can take your own running. Get ready for some specific and actionable lessons you can apply to your training today!