Intelligent, Injury Free Training: Interview with Jeff Gaudette

RunnersConnect Run to the Top Podcast show

Summary: What’s the most positive change you could make to your training plan to immediately, positively impact your next six months of racing? <br> If I told you the answer is to race less, run less and probably train slower, would you believe me? <br> In today’s interview, we’re going to begin to understand why it’s normally better to run slower than we feel like we should and why sometimes the best strategy is to spend less time running. <br> On our show this week is Jeff Gaudette, the founder of RunnersConnect, who was also a several time Maine state champion in high school, received multiple NCAA All-American awards while at Brown University, and finally completed his career as a professional runner for the Hanson’s-Brooks Distance Project in Detroit, MI. <br> Jeff explains to us the dangers of running easy runs too fast and the benefits of tailoring your training to your specific fitness level. <br> Here are some of the things we talked about: <br> <br> <br> Take the next logical step, and listen to your body. <br> <br> <br> <br> The absolute importance of specific strength work to avoid injuries. <br> <br> <br> Why strong body control is the key to long-term injury-free training, and some specific general strengthening exercises worth trying. <br> <br> <br> How the optimal race schedule may be structured and why your racing schedule may be slowing your fitness progression. <br> <br> <br> Why a training community or team is extremely valuable to all runners. <br> <br> <br> If you’ve ever experienced an injury, or ever will experience one, this is a must-listen interview! After listening, let us know some ways you’ve stayed injury-free. <br> <br> Links and resources mentioned in this interview: <br> <a href="">The Lunge Matrix as a Warmup</a> <br> <a href="">Intelligent, Injury Free Training: Interview with Jeff Gaudette</a><br>