239: Wetlands, With ‘Party Like A President’ Author Brian Abrams

FilmDrunk Frotcast show

Summary: We open this week's show discussing Matt Lieb's romantic Valentine's Day on Snuggly Rock, which leads in to other Valentine's Day stories, and whether we feel pressure to have sex when we can hear lots of sex happening around us. I read the infamous Jack White Guacamole Letter of 2015 and we discuss whether Jack White realizes how insane he sounds. Bret hadn't heard us talk about Jupiter "Bees Recognize Royalty" Ascending yet, and we discuss whether Mila Kunis being able to control bees counts as a Beeus Ex Machina, or if it's more of a Chekhov's Bees kind of situation. We get into SNL 40, with the big question being, should they have invited Sarah Palin on and thus be complicit in making her look like a good sport? Then we bring on Brian Abrams to discuss his new book, 'Party Like A President: True Tales of Inebriation, Lechery, and Mischief From the Oval Office,' and to talk about 'Wetlands,' the infamous German vagina movie that's now on Netflix. The big question about Wetlands seems to be: does punk rock need a political agenda, or can it just be taking a dump onstage purely for the pleasure of taking a dump? Enjoy, Frot On, Tell a Friend.EMAIL: frotcast @gmail.comVOICE MAIL: 415 275 0030