248: Slut-Shaming Black Widow, Where Is Joss Whedon, & A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night

FilmDrunk Frotcast show

Summary: This week, OJ Patterson of Courting Comedy/Super Trashed Bros is in the Frotquarters to discuss the #CONTROVERSY surrounding Jeremy Renner's alleged slut-shaming of Black Widow. Is it okay to call a fictional character a slut? Did he ruin his original non-apology by trying to explain it? Also, why did Joss Whedon quit Twitter, or rather, where did Patton Oswalt Co come up with their explanations for Joss Whedon quitting Twitter? After that, we talk about A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night. Underrated? Overrated? Accurately rated? X-Rated? Is the setting supposed to be Iran? Also, BRET FINALLY SELLS OUT! "I want a slice of that idiot pie," Bret says. "In a world of monsters and shills, I want to be a shill." "I want you to be a shill with me," Matt Lieb says. "People always try to make it about Batman and the Joker, but it's not about Batman and the Joker. It's about the Joker and Ronald McDonald, and I want to be Ronald McDonald. I want to feed you, but in a clownish sort of way."