Michaela DeSoucey on Food and Cultural Authenticity

Office Hours show

Summary: Professor Michaela DeSoucey [1] drops in to chat about consumer culture and the many political projects that shape our tastes for cuisine ranging from foie gras [2] to craft beer [3]. She discusses some of the challenges facing ethnographers who study taste, and we also consider how the industrial scale of modern food production may have leveled cultural practices once reserved for the wealthy. Dr DeSoucey's forthcoming book is called Contested Tastes: The Politics of Foie Gras in the U.S. and France. Download Office Hours #108 [4] [1] http://socant.chass.ncsu.edu/faculty_staff/madesouc [2] http://asr.sagepub.com/content/75/3/432.abstract [3] http://www.irle.berkeley.edu/workingpapers/118-14.pdf [4] http://files.thesocietypages.org/downloads/OH108_DeSoucey.mp3