Joan Halifax: Equanimity When Cultivation Seems Fruitless (Real Love, Real Compassion Part 8b, last part)

Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast show

Summary: Episode Description: Where can we find equanimity, when meditation bears no discernible fruit for days, weeks, months? Roshi herself endured three whole years of aridity right after starting Upaya -- going through the motions only to avoid letting people down. Or consider the Tibetan yogi who meditated on Maitreya in a cave for decades, to no apparent effect. (Listen to the talk for the punchline). Amidst such seeming futility, how can we trust that our boundless heart is nearer than near? Roshi explores... For Series Description and Teacher BIOs, please visit Part 1. To access the entire series, please click on the link below: Real Love, Real Compassion Series: All 12 Parts