Blurred Borders: The Spill-Over Risks of the Syria Conflict

The Frontline Club show

Summary: Civil wars are tragedies for the countries they consume, but they can also be dangerous for neighbouring states. Almost three years into the political and humanitarian crisis in Syria, what challenges does the ongoing violence pose for peace and stability in the region? And what can be done to prevent the crisis from stoking existing tensions in countries such as Lebanon? Join us to discuss these and other pressing questions, with:Victoria Stamadianou, the Lebanon country manager for International Alert.Nadim Shehadi, an associate fellow for the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Chatham House.Julien Barnes-Dacey, a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). He was based in Syria from 2007 to 2010 as a journalist, writing for the Christian Science Monitor, The Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times.Martin Chulov, Middle East correspondent for The Guardian.Chaired by Dan Smith, secretary general of International Alert.