Patron Week Finale: Jurassic World Popcorn Cast!

4Player Podcast show

Summary: Patron week has come to an end but we have one last bit of content for you guys! First of all, we cannot thank you guys enough for your dedicated support and enthusiasm, not to mention the new people who felt that supporting us was a noble cause to take on!  As promised, you will find below a brand new 4Player Popcorn Cast featuring Nick, Nolan, Kris and Chris talking about one of the biggest, most anticipated films of the Summer: Jurassic World.  Give it a listen but beware SPOILERS ABOUND! Popcorn Cast: Jurassic World - [download] [podcast][/podcast] And that concludes Patron week! As always, thanks for your support and consideration! Of course, the Campaign continues and you are welcome to make a pledge at any time! To learn more about our ongoing Patreon campaign, please visit us at! Link Dump: Subscribe to the Podcast on SoundCloud! Learn More About our Patreon Campaign Join our brand NEW Community Forum Follow us on Twitter Fan us on Facebook Enjoy the show? Let us know how you feel about the topics discussed! Don't forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get each show as soon as it releases! As always, thanks from all of us here at 4player!