FFU/KHU E3 2015 Special Episode: E3 Was Off The Chart!!

Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union show

Summary: Branden, Darryl and Churro sit down for a special podcast to talk about the absolute truck load of news that came out of E3 2015. Not only did we get to see extended coverage of Kingdom Hearts 3, as well as the announcement of a completely new world, but we also got to hear more about Kingdom Hearts Unchained Chi. But that's only half of it, during the Sony Press Conference, two new games were announced from the Final Fantasy franchise: World of Final Fantasy and a full-on Final Fantasy VII Remake. Both of these titles will be timed exclusive for PS4, as well as a shed load of other titles that were shown off, including Star Ocean 5 and a new extension to the NieR franchise. Sure, Final Fantasy XV missed the show as we expected, but with everything that we got, this one was hell of an E3 for fans of Square Enix!