GI Show: The Nintendo 64 Spectacular

The Game Informer Show show

Summary: Are you an avid gamer in your 20s? Then odds are you probably grew up playing the Nintendo 64 during its golden years in the late '90s. On this week's episode of the Game Informer Show podcast, fans of Nintendo's 64-bit console come together to share their fondest memories of this important piece of Nintendo history. After sharing our personal Top 5 Favorite N64 Games and answering your N64-related questions, we interview composer Grant Kirkhope (Goldeneye 007, Banjo-Kazooie, Yooka-Laylee) and the hilarious video game comedy sketch group Mega 64. The first half of this retro love-packed show features your hosts Ben Hanson and Tim Turi, as well as two of GI's biggest N64 nerds: Ben Reeves and Brian Shea. Listen or watch below to see how well your favorite N64 cartridges match up with ours. Stick around to hear Kirkhope talk about Rare's heyday in the '90s, the powerful impact nostalgia has had on his career, and more. Mega64 wraps up the show by sharing their experiences working with industry luminaries like Shigeru Miyamoto and Hideo Kojima, as well as the fine art of weirding out regular people on the streets with video game absurdity. If you're hungry for discussion on this week's hot releases, like Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Destiny's House of Wolves expansion, we've got you covered. We talked about the game extensively with Kim Wallace on last week's episode of the Game Informer Show podcast, and you can watch us play and dive into House of Wolves on this three-hour archived livestream. (Please visit the site to view this media) If you'd like to jump to a particular section of the show, check out the timestamps below. Warning: They might spoil the rankings of our favorite games on the system... 12:39 - Goldeneye 007 17:16 - Super Smash Bros. 22:29 - Starfox 64 24:19 - Pokemon Snap 28:36 - Banjo-Kazooie 32:14 - Super Mario 64 40:37 - Resident Evil 2 42:50 - Perfect Dark 47:45 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 55:46 - Paper Mario 1:01:14 - Listener/Viewer E-Mails 1:29:01 - Rare Composer Grant Kirkhope Interview 2:16:07 - Comedy Video Team Mega64 Interview