Business and the Notorious RBG: Friends or Foes?

Money Talking show

Summary: <p>There's a reason Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg earned herself the nickname "<a href="">Notorious RBG</a>" on internet <a href="">memes</a>. </p> <p>In the next few weeks, she and the other eight justices could be making a long list of friends — and enemies — when the court issues rulings on the the fate of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) and same-sex marriage.</p> <p>One group paying close attention are the businesses who have taken very visible positions on the two controversial issues. <a href="">379 companies</a> have urged the Supreme Court to back gay marriage, while insurance companies and healthcare providers are <a href="">demanding</a> that the healthcare law be upheld.  In their friend-to-the-court briefs, the Federation of American Hospitals and the American Hospital Association wrote that if the Supreme Court strikes down the health care law, "Many people will get sick, go bankrupt, and die."</p> <p><em>Money Talking </em>Host Charlie Herman asks guests <a href="" target="_blank">Emily Bazelon</a> of New York Times Magazine and <a href="" target="_blank">Rana Foroohar </a>of Time if this court, helmed by Chief Justice John Roberts, has been listening to big business this term and what fallout we might expect as the justices make their decisions.</p>