Is the Fight for $15 the Good Fight?

Money Talking show

Summary: <p>The fight for $15 is catching on.</p> <p>Fast food workers in New York claimed victory last week when a panel appointed by the governor agreed with them: their minimum wage should be increased to $15 an hour over the next few years. That recommendation must now be reviewed by a high commissioner, who's <a href="">expected to approve it</a>. But in Seattle and Los Angeles, city councils have already approved citywide increases to $15. And at the national level, a bill before Congress would more than double the federal minimum wage to $15 from $7.25.</p> <p>This week, <em>Money Talking </em>raises a perennial economic question: do raises in the minimum wage help or harm the workers who fight for them? A raise might help the <a href="">wage stagnation</a> we're seeing in the national economy, but some economists suggest a raise too big could shrink the pool of jobs. In Los Angeles this week, some union leaders are asking to be exempt from the $15 city-wide minimum they fought for, in order to have more flexibility in asking for other benefits. And some critics suggest industry-specific raises, like the fast food one in New York, could lead to distortions in the economy.</p> <p>Guest host <a href="">Cardiff Garcia</a> of the <em>Financial Times</em> asks <a href="">Josh Barro</a> from <em>The New York Times</em> and <a href="">Reihan Salam</a> from the <em>National Review,</em> who've <a href="">both</a> <a href="">written</a> on the topic, what the raises at local and national levels could mean for the workforce and other ways the government might improve conditions for workers.</p>