098 » Control Everything and Be Involved with Nothing » Robert Nickell

Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast show

Summary:  In this episode, our guest – for real – blows my mind with the amazingly inventive things he’s doing in his REI business. I am not exaggerating… Robert Nickell is that awesome. Robert and I met at Mastermind, and this guy is averaging about 8 deals a month. What’s cool about Robert is that he actually has a construction background and he’s a licensed Realtor. But he gets better… he runs a company that trains VAs for other investors. He basically outsourced his outsourcing. Don’t worry, he’ll explain all about that and why systems rule; why VAs rule – and how having all that properly in place has changed his life. Two more things to whet your appetite – he shares with us an awesome idea that I think is absolutely flipping brilliant! And Robert talks about the tactic that he says never works. Get ready for your mind to be blown, friends… Listen and enjoy: What's inside: 5:55 – Robert explains how he trains VAs to work for other investors 9:20 – Robert talks about his REI experience 17:08 – Robert talks about how he got started in Fortune Builders workshops 21:20 – The challenges and strategies Robert encountered when he first began REI 31:35 - The difference between just doing the process and really understanding what you're doing 37:45 – The tasks that Robert’s VAs do 54:08 – Factors that determine which tasks you should have VAs doing 1:01:50 – Why Robert likes having live people answers calls instead of voicemails 1:04:55 – Some other tasks that Robert has his VAs Mentioned in this episode: Alex and Joe’s <a href="http://www.realestateinvestingmastery.com" target="_blank">Fast Cash Survival Kit</a> <a href="http://www.fortunebuilders.com" target="_blank">Fortune Builders</a> Robert’s website <a href="http://www.VAEasyButton.com" target="_blank">VA Easy Button</a> <a href="http://www.BiggerPockets.com" target="_blank">Bigger Pockets</a> <a href="http://www.infusionsoft.com" target="_blank">Infusion Soft</a> <a href="http://www.podio.com" target="_blank">Podio</a> <a title="Get Cool Free Stuff" href="http://www.realestateinvestingmastery.com/leave-a-review-get-cool-free-stuff" target="_blank">Leave a Review Get Cool Free Stuff</a> Tweetables: [Tweet "The best real estate you'll invest in is the 4 inches between your ears, education &amp; great mentors"] [Tweet "Once I mind mapped my business and got some good VAs going... it changed my life” Robert Nickell"] [Tweet "Marketing fixes nearly all issues. Lots of marketing = lots of leads. Then cherry pick the best deals"] Transcription: <a href="http://www.realestateinvestingmastery.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/98-REIM-Control-Everything-and-Be-Involved-with-Nothing.pdf" target="_blank">Download episode transcript in PDF format here...</a> Joe:      Welcome! This is the Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast. Hey, everybody. Welcome! This is the Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast. In my opinion, the best podcast about real estate investing in the world. No, I'm just kidding. There are... We are really good. But, not to toot my own horn, there's a lot of really other good podcasts out there as well. I'm just really glad you're listening to us. And, I've got a great guest on the show today. His name is Robert Nickell and we're going to be talking a lot about systems, about outsourcing, and give you some really good actionable advice and tips on how to get good VAs. How to find good VAs that are already trained? I'm excited about this because this is one of... some of the biggest questions that I get from my clients is, "How do I get good virtual assistants?" "How do I find people that will answer the phones, return phone calls, make offers, do marketing for me, and do my social media stuff or whatever?" So, Robert's going to be talking a lot about that. I just want to let you guys know. First, if you go to RealEstateInvestingMastery.com, we've got a Free Fast Cash Survival Kit.