100 » REI Tax Sales Part 2 – Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Tax Sales » Corey Taylor

Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast show

Summary: In this episode, Alex and I are continuing our conversation with super-smart investor, Corey Taylor, who specializes in the niche area of tax sales REI. This episode is actually a Part 2 – we got so much good info from Corey in a <a title="099 » REI Tax Sales Part 1 – Mysteries Explained So You Can Stop Avoiding Them and Start Profiting » Corey Taylor" href="http://www.realestateinvestingmastery.com/099-rei-tax-sales-part-1-mysteries-explained-so-you-can-stop-avoiding-them-and-start-profiting-corey-taylor">previous podcast (Part 1, episode #99)</a> that we had to slice it up into a 2-parter – so you’re getting another helping of jam-packed tax sales awesomeness today. Seriously, Corey has so much more in store for us that I just wanna get right to it. A whole REI world – with little competition – is waiting for us. And Corey is gonna tell us exactly what we need to know to jump in the game Dive in… Listen and enjoy: What's inside: 4:11 – How Corey uses property managers for his deals 6:11 – How you can turn vacant late and late taxes into profit and the surprising online location people are buying and selling land 12:38 – Corey’s thoughts on tax-delinquent vacant properties in bad neighborhoods 16:48 – Corey’s exit strategies 28:12 – Joe puts Corey on the spot – see what happens… Bonus Material Corey’s Bonus Tax Software Mentioned in this episode: Alex and Joe’s <a href="http://www.realestateinvestingmastery.com" target="_blank">Fast Cash Survival Kit</a> <a href="http://www.RealEstateInvestingMastery.com" target="_blank">Real Estate Investing Mastery</a> 1-800-FAIR-OFFER Corey’s website <a href="http://www.TaxSaleTraining.com" target="_blank">Tax Sale Training</a> Corey’s other website <a href="http://www.CashFlowCommanders.com" target="_blank">Cash Flow Commanders</a> <a href="http://www.LumpyMail.com" target="_blank">Lumpy Mail</a> <a href="http://www.Bid4Assets.com" target="_blank">Bid4Assets</a> <a href="http://www.eBay.com" target="_blank">eBay</a> <a href="http://www.craigslist.org" target="_blank">Craigslist</a> Tweetables: [Tweet " With pics, cells, drive-bys &amp; social media, it's easy to find pros to manage your biz w/o you being there"] [Tweet "I like getting income from land because there's no ‘Four Ts’ - termites, tenants, toilets, trash"] [Tweet " When starting REI, find a private lender or partner for the skill or resource you don't have"] Transcription: <a href="http://www.realestateinvestingmastery.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/100-REIM-Tax-Sales-Part-2-Heres-Why-You-Shouldnt-Be-Afraid-of-Tax-Sales.pdf" target="_blank">Download episode transcript in PDF format here...</a> Joe:      Okay, good. Corey: Yeah. Joe:      And then, your number one strategy is to help them. Corey: Uh-huh. Joe:      You're giving them advice. But then, you're also there to buy their house if they're going to sell it to you, right? Corey: Yeah. We're buyers, yeah. Joe:      A lot of... A big advantage is... We're going to these properties too because a lot of them are free and clear. Isn't that right? Corey: A lot of them are free and clear or the bank would've paid the tax. Joe:      Yeah. Corey: Some of them have lenders, you'll be surprised. They were just so disorganized. They don't even know about the properties. They don't tax. They're not paying them. Joe:      Wow! Corey:  But, a lot of them are free and clear. And, a lot of them are owned by heirs. They just don't care. They just don't... They don't have an interest or they don't care of that price. If they get anything, that's fine. I stay away from some of the ones I have. You know. 16 brothers and sisters that are going to fight about every dollar. I don't like those. I worry about that one when I get the phone call. Joe:      And then, you're willing to take on the cheaper $20,000, $30,000 homes if you can rent them out and get a good positive ROI on the propertie...