103 » Your Awesome Team Doing Awesome Deals – An Experienced Investor and Podcaster Shows Us How » Justin Colby

Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast show

Summary: In this episode, I’ve got another experienced podcaster in the hot seat – Justin Colby. Justin has been to hell and back having personally lost his own home back in the crash… to successfully building and running a seven-figure real estate business. Today, he’s doing deals all over the country. In this episode, he gives us the goods on everything from direct mail and building his team to making offers, marketing, voicemails, handling seller calls, the importance of follow up (with a personal story that’ll have you cringe!) and much more. Basically, he tells us exactly how his team operates to get ‘er done. Here we go… Listen and enjoy: What's inside: 4:08 – Justin tells us about his own podcast and how he got started in REI 13:03 – How Justin finds his buyers 16:39 - How Justin markets for sellers 25:18 – Questions Justin’s team ask sellers 33:33 – How Justin’s team makes offers 38:15 – Justin’s boots on the ground team 45:45 – Justin explains a hedge fund deal Mentioned in this episode: Alex and Joe’s <a href="http://www.realestateinvestingmastery.com" target="_blank">Fast Cash Survival Kit</a> Justin’s <a href="http://www.thescienceofflipping.com" target="_blank">The Science of Flipping</a> (Get his book, The Science of Flipping, for free there!) Justin’s email <a href="mailto:info@thescienceofflipping.com" target="_blank">info@thescienceofflipping.com</a> <a href="http://www.wegolook.com" target="_blank">We Go Look</a> <a href="http://www.onetwothreenotary.com" target="_blank">One Two Three Notary</a> <a href="http://www.RealEstateInvestingMastery.com" target="_blank">Real Estate Investing Mastery</a> <a href="http://www.listsource.com" target="_blank">List Source</a> <a href="http://www.craigslist.org" target="_blank">Craigslist</a> <a href="http://www.vumber.com" target="_blank">Vumber</a> <a href="http://www.zillow.com" target="_blank">Zillow</a> Tweetables: [Tweet "I'm successful, but I’ve also lost money on deals; if someone says they haven’t, don’t believe 'em"] [Tweet "Your chances are 80-90% better if you call a motivated seller back within 5 minutes - call back asap"] [Tweet "Keep it conversational with sellers. The key is: listen, listen, listen &amp; stop talking so much. Simple"] Transcription: <a href="http://www.realestateinvestingmastery.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/REIM-103-Your-Awesome-Team-Doing-Awesome-Deals-%E2%80%93-An-Experienced-Investor-and-Podcaster-Shows-Us-How.pdf" target="_blank">Download episode transcript in PDF format here...</a> Intro:   Welcome, this is the Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast. Joe:      Hey, everybody welcome to the Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast and for the second episode in a row, I am releasing an interview with another podcaster. His name is Justin Colby and we are excited about this interview. I've know Justin for a little while now and we have a lot in common, one of them being we love podcasting and we love real estate and so love doing deals. I'm excited to interview him and introduce him to you guys, he's got a great show at The Science of Flipping Podcast, you got to check that out, but first I want to tell you, go to RealEstateInvestingMastery.com, RealEstateInvestingMastery.com. If my sequence or my order of episodes is correct the last episode we just released was with another podcaster named Matt Theriault, great guy and in fact a lot of these, a lot of these guys I mean we are in the same mastermind together and I talked a little bit about it on the last episode about the importance of mastermind, so I encourage you again if you are not a part of a mastermind, sign up, get one start one, they are amazing, they are awesome, but go to RealEstateInvestingMastery.com. We got a lot of great shows in the past that are available for you to download and listen to. Also I want to ask you to leave a review in iTunes. iTunes is a great place to go to get some pretty fantastic informat...