- Animal Party Episode 72 Your Top Three Dog Problems Solved by Darlene & Deb

Animal Party -  Dog & Cat News, Animal Facts, Topics & Guests - Pets & Animals- Pet Life Radio Original ( show

Summary: Darlene Arden author of 'Rover, Get Off Her Leg' & 'Small Dogs Big Hearts' joins Deborah Wolfe, Author of 'Good Dog!; Positive Dog Training Techniques' to discuss the top three dog problems; Come, Heel, and Jumping Up. You get two takes on these problems from two trainers who agree and differ so the advice is simple and comprehensive. Deborah asks 'Would you live in a building where you had to test your dog's DNA for poop identification purposes'? Dog poop news from Canada that maybe where your strata is headed. For more dog training tips including the invisible-dog games and tricks described by Deborah check out