Episode 0.0 Lovecraft Film Festival, Vicis Interimo

Vicis Interimo: 30 Minutes to Kill show

Summary: This series of podcast cover the 6th Annual H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival in San Pedro. We enjoy the event earlier this month and look forward to the next one. This year we attempted to expand our coverage a little by getting a sound byte or two from some of the venders at the show. Thank you to Kat Rocha of 01Publishing and Marlene Hirose of Spinning the Clay Fantastic for taking the time to talk to us. This first 12 min podcast is us on the way to the show and recording between the film blocks. 01Publishing http://01publishing.com/about-01-publishing/about-01-publishing/ Spinning the Clay Fantastic https://www.facebook.com/SpinningTheClayFantastic?fref=ts Some of the music in the show was provided by Cockfight Club *************** http://cockfightclub.net/ ***************