Episode 3.0 Lovecraft Film Festival, Vicis Interimo

Vicis Interimo: 30 Minutes to Kill show

Summary: This series of podcast cover the 6th Annual H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival in San Pedro. We enjoy the event earlyer this month and look forward to the next one. This year we attempted to expand our coverage a little by getting a sound byte or two from some of the venders at the show. Thank you to Kat Rocha of 01Publishing and Marlene Hirose of Spinning the Clay Fantastic for taking the time to talk to us. This first 12 min podcast is us on the way to the show and recording between the film blocks. 01Publishing http://01publishing.com/about-01-publishing/about-01-publishing/ Spinning the Clay Fantastic https://www.facebook.com/SpinningTheClayFantastic?fref=ts The Terrible Typewriter Regional Premiere Directed by Marko Kattilakoski The battle between a writer and his typewriter. A violent showdown seems unavoidable. https://www.facebook.com/TheTerribleTypewriter From Beyond Directed by Darren Way Bathe in the mystical light emanating from the macabre machine created by Crawford Tillinghast and see into other dimensions and the creatures that constantly surround us unseen. But beware! For if you see them, they can also see you! Stop motion animation from Dangerous Puppets. http://www.dangerouspuppets.com/ Escape from Midwich Valley Directed by Pierre-Henri Debies Back in the place of her childhood, in an oddly sinister port city, a young woman plagued with traumatic memories will discover that her destiny is even more cruel than the creatures running after her. https://www.facebook.com/escapefrommidwichvalley Mojave Junction Directed by Christian Jean The Good, The Bad and Cthulhu. Set in 1899 in the sunbaked desolation of the high desert, McTeague (Race Owen), absconds with a treasure of stolen gold only to be tracked down by Marcus (Ed Marinaro), a wiry ‘ole prospector whose impulsiveness far outweighs his intelligence. But something sinister is lurking among the dunes Trailer from Decipher Pictures http://decipherpictures.com/mojave-junction/ CLOK Directed by Casey Malone In this short multi-layered puzzle, the researcher Dylan Hensley believes he can conquer the passage of time by studying the movement of trees. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4379996/?ref_=nm_flmg_wr_1 The Night Ocean Directed by Maria Lorenzo Hernandez 12 mins Using the backdrop of Torrevieja scenery to tell the tale, with its coves and beaches providing a similar scene to Lovecraft's original short story, Spanish artist María Lorenzo Hernández brought the traditional imagery to life in a fusion with the modern world that also seems to reflect the past. The Mill at Calder's End Regional Premiere Directed by Kevin McTurk In the remote village of Calder's End stands an old windmill, a repository of dark secrets. Nicholas Grimshaw has returned to this haunted place, his childhood home, intent on breaking a generations-old family curse. Grimshaw's journey takes him deep below the decaying mill, into mysterious, forgotten catacombs, whereupon he confronts the very source of the evil that has corrupted his family. https://youtu.be/csNInfhuV8U The Backwater Gospel Brace yourself for something Disturbingly Awesome (The Animation Workshop) https://youtu.be/PGzghUQRVk8?list=PLGEpRa2_iOiIU7tf-bhGlr_pj5Py0YQxX