4: Achieving Balance in Your Life with Highliner Josh Beaudoin

The Bucket List Life with Kenyon Salo show

Summary: “If you put patience, practice and passion into anything, you will be good at it.”  The Bucket List Life Podcast Ep. #4 -   Josh Beaudoin (https://thebucketlistlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/the-bucket-list-life-podcast-episode-4-josh-beaudoin.png)Slacklining is the sport of balancing on a length of webbing strung up between two anchor points.  There are many different aspects to slacklining and as the sport develops, the number of different skills and ways you can challenge yourself on the slack line expand as well. The overall idea, for those of us that are unfamiliar to the sport, is to clear your mind, find your stillness and control within, breathe, overcome your fear and concentrate on being present and taking one step forward at a time.  Slacklining is the perfect metaphor for life, The Bucket List Life. In this fourth episode of The Bucket List Life Podcast, Kenyon is taking life metaphors to a whole new level.  The parallels between practicing the sport of Slacklining and living The Bucket List Life are profound and insightful.  This podcast is going to get you all fired up about learning to walk all over again.  Kenyon is excited to introduce you to one of the masters in the world of Slacklining.  In today’s podcast, Kenyon walks the line with his good friend and slack mentor, Josh Beaudoin. Having grown up in the last frontier of Wasilla, Alaska, till he was 20 years old, Josh was constantly surrounded by freedom, wide open spaces and an abundance of wildlife in the natural environment.  To say the least, Josh is a down to earth, fully grounded and connected individual with an open mind and heart.  His masterful talent on a slackline is only succeeded by his ability and passion to teach it with a full understanding of the meditational art of movement and that how you slack is how you live. Now 32 years old, Josh has introduced and instructed over 50,000 students, from kindergarten to adult, into this new and quickly growing physical endeavor. Josh has many nuggets of slack wisdom to share that directly relate to living The Bucket List Life. Highlights from their conversation: 6:45     At a local climbing gym, Josh originally introduced Kenyon to the sport of Slacklining less than a year ago, by inviting him over to try it out. Josh confesses that one of his goals in life is “to engage with everyone he meets, ask them about their goals and what they are doing here on earth”.  He admits that inviting others to try the slack line is a really great way to make new friends. 8:15     Josh says that as a kid he was passionate about the outdoors, fishing and wrestling.  Having placed 2nd at a state competition in his senior year, Josh learned that it’s not always about winning and you can fail at something and still have a great time.  “Failure is every bit a part of success!” He credits his wrestling skill to his ability to manage and manipulate the slack line today. 12:15   Josh found the sport of Slacklining back in 2006 and acknowledges that “You are never on the wrong path in life because it’s the wrong path that you were on that helped you get on the path you are on today.”   14:00   Slacklining is different for everyone.  Whether you want to just have fun, compete or cross train, Slacklining helps us to self reflect on the emotions that over come us.  It helps us to breathe and manage our fear, panic and excitement. 16:00   Slacklining Metaphor for life:  “You have to be completely in the moment.  It’s not about what’s in front of you or a couple steps back.  It’s about being present and taking that step now.  And when you take care of the now, the future will always be set.” 37:00   Josh affirms that you don’t even have to try out a slack line to live a Slack Life.  The Slack Life is all about caring for others, being free with your actions, asking questions, being able to take no for an answer, doing what you love and taking that first step towards your goals.  It’s always about the journey,