Dried Mushroom And Scallop With Hairy Melon Soup

Cantonese show

Summary: Chinese like to boil soup for a long time to make all the ingredients blend into a delicious mixture. This hairy melon soup will be a good one to increase your immunity against cold and flu. (美食速遞:冬菇瑤柱豬腱節瓜湯 華人一般都喜歡晚上飲番啖靚湯,李太與曾小碧都有同感,所以今日會介紹這味簡單易煲的湯水給大家。請點擊圖片收聽。   (四人份量的材料: 冬菇 六隻, 瑤柱 3粒, 中節瓜 2隻, 豬腱 300克, 無花果 4粒, 薑 2片, 清水 12 杯 )      )