4PP 397: The Bits and Pieces Show

4Player Podcast show

Summary: Do you smell that? That's the smell of the first podcast posted on our brand new website! Its been a HUGE week for us but video games must be discussed! To our surprise, Nolan has played 30 hours of Dying Light and is loving it! Brad and Kris have been playing Life is Strange and they have... feelings about it. We cover a lot of the news we had to pass on last week and then some. Enjoy you crazy kids! Podcast 397 - [download] [podcast]http://4playernetwork.com/podcasts/4pp/397-02.03.2015.mp3[/podcast] Discussion: Dying Light Life is Strange Project S.T.E.A.M. Dragon's Dogma Online Monolith Shops Around Condemned to Indie Devs and more... Link Dump: Learn More About our Patreon Campaign Follow us on Twitter Fan us on Facebook Enjoy the show? Let us know how you feel about the topics discussed! Don't forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get each show as soon as it releases! As always, thanks from all of us here at 4player!