Home is Where My People Are :: Sophie Hudson {Ep 58}

Don't Mom Alone Podcast  show

Summary: **The winner of Amy Julie Becker’s “Small Talk” is Diana Nagel!! Congratulations! Thank you to all those who commented and left reviews. . .what a blessing to me &amp; Amy Julia.**<br> “People. People needing people. . .”<br> Yes, we need ’em. But, y’all, I struggle always loving my people. I’m prone to focus more on what’s wrong than on what’s special and good.<br> One person whose helped me see the unique in my everyday interactions, is today’s podcast guest, Sophie Hudson (aka, “BooMama”).<br> Sophie writes, with Southern charm, the stories of her life. She models a joy and appreciation for people and why we’re blessed to have ’em in our lives.<br> <a href="http://godcenteredmom.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/SophieHudsonep58.jpg"></a><br> Y’all, Sophie’s a great writer. She’s been blogging for almost a decade and regularly writes for THE Pioneer Woman.  Plus, she has written two books filled with great stories: “A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet” and “Home is Where My People Are.”<br> But more than all that, she’s just nice. (And warm-hearted.) (And dear.)<br> On today’s episode she and I giggle quite a lot. We also get a lil bit serious while Sophie shares some wise “God-Centered Mom” words. She gives tips on being a good friend and dealing with feeling ‘left out’. Oh, and we talk about the faith journey for the “good girl”. . .the gal who didn’t have the 180 transformation. All good stuff.<br> <a href="http://godcenteredmom.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Pinterest-3.png"></a><br> What we chat about:<br> <br> * Sophie’s fab job and how Heather wishes such a person existed back in her high school days.<br> * How Sophie started blogging and writing books–“everyday a new pile of nothing we’re just happy to serve”.<br> * How Heather messes up the names of Sophie’s books and what Sophie’s MIL calls them.<br> * How everyone should record the stories of their people.<br> * Sophie’s crazy, uh-mazing memory for details (but not for jokes).<br> * How Sophie &amp; Heather are “cabooses by a mile”. . .and better for it.<br> * Why Sophie’s new book is #1 in the “History of Christianity” category–even with chapters on fried chicken &amp; stirrup pants.<br> * And how in this book she talks more about her faith journey–“History of (her personal) Christianity”.<br> * How the “good girl” struggles working out her faith.<br> <br> <br> “If you’ve ever wondered back to the moment you came to faith and if it was real. . .then ask yourself, ‘Are you different now?'”<br> <br> <br> * How Sophie is handling the topic of faith with her son.<br> * The keys to life-long friendships–being for each other, assuming the best, and being a safe place.<br> * Love people the way you want to be loved. . .don’t “test” them.<br> * “Blessed when you leave, blessed when you come back in.”<br> * How you can wear yourself out trying to include everyone–Everyone can’t do everything together.<br> <br> <br> “You’ll never regret being nice.”<br> <br> <a href="http://godcenteredmom.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/book-lg.png"></a><br> Connect with Sophie:<br> <a href="http://boomama.net" target="_blank">Blog </a>:: <a href="https://twitter.com/boomama" target="_blank">Twitter</a> :: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/SophieHudsonBooMama?fref=ts" target="_blank">Facebook</a> :: <a href="http://instagram.com/boomama205" target="_blank">Instagram</a><br> Links Mentioned:<br> <br> * Sophie’s books: <a href="http://boomama.net/a-little-salty-to-cut-the-sweet/" target="_blank">A Little Salty </a>&amp; <a href="..."></a>