Self Publishing Podcast #142 – How to Use Amazon Instead of Amazon Using You

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: Let's face it--exclusivity sucks, and having "all your eggs in one basket" when it comes to where your books are available isn't a smart idea at all. But... But Amazon's KDP Select just keeps winning us over, tempting us with new benefits and goodies for staying exclusive. So whatever should an indie author do? Swallow the pill and go exclusive? Or play the long-term game and go wide? In this week's episode, the guys talked about how maybe there's another way to think about your relationship with Amazon, and maybe there's a way to make Amazon work for you instead of the other way around. This week, the guys talked about how much they’re using Select and why. This is more than simple experimentation; it’s about making a cost-benefit judgement. KDP wants exclusivity, but what does it give in return? The guys suggested a completely new way of looking at KDP, a way that just might keep us from feeling abused. More importantly, this attitude is essential when working with any platform, and it’s necessary to future-proof your business. Also this week, we get an update on how “optimization” is working out for S&S, and we all get some tips that could help us optimize, too. Among those tips were some pointers about covers. Go to to see the covers discussed on the show!