Insert Coin Theater Episode 13

Insert Coin Theater show

Summary: We're baaaaack! Hope you all had a good holiday. Check out Street Fighter X Mega Man: It's FREE! Check out Balloonbear's excellent music! We hear Datagoth in this episode, but there's so much more from Balloonbear and the netlabel Lowtoy. :: :: Music from Dragon's Dogma (Aubrey Ashburn), Street Fighter X Mega Man (A_Rival aka Luke Esquivel), and The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall (Mitch Heberling). We discuss game reviews, trophies, and revisiting old games as well as a bit about Dragon's Dogma, one of Jorge's favorites. Episode 13 Return of the Podcast Music Street Fighter X Megaman - Goes With Everything By A_Rival aka Luke Esquivel Street Fighter X Megaman is a PC fighter developed by a Singaporean fan of both series, Seow Zong Hui. It was picked up by Capcom and released in 2012 for free for Windows to celebrate the 25th anniversary of both series. It is available for free from the Capcom-Unity website - the link is in the show notes for this episode. The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall - Shop By Mitch Heberling off the Daggerfall Soundtrack Queen Barenziah is incorrectly depicted as a Breton in the game, despite the lore depicting her as a Dark Elf. This was later corrected in the next game, Morrowind, where she makes an appearance in the Tribunal expansion. Datagoth By Balloonbear Balloonbear is a chiptune artist based in Moscow, Russia. The music has a house/EDM flair to it, but keeps rooted to classic gaming styles. Datagoth is released on the Lowtoy netlabel, which can be found at You can find more of Balloonbear’s work there or via Soundcloud at and Bandcamp ay Reminiscent of something you’d hear in Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon in a nightclub scene of some sort. Dragon’s Dogma - Eternal Return (Dragon’s Dogma Main Theme) By Aubrey Ashburn Just talk about the game! Topics T-shirt run successful! Are game reviews fundamentally flawed? From comes an article that is titled “Video Game Reviews are Garbage,” breaking into why we number or letter-grade games since it’s such an arbitrary and subjective thing. The trick? Finding reviewers that tend to match up with your own views and sticking with them as much as possible. How do you feel achievements/trophies have affected gaming? Some folks game just to get these achievements and ignore the game they play. Does it encourage bad games? braunheiser on reddit posed some interesting questions. Going back to old games from your youth, did you find the experience different playing as an adult? Was it satisfying or disappointing?