Episode 100: Max Scherzer is not a Met

Amazin' Avenue Audio show

Summary: In the "Armando Bleepin' Benitez" edition, since we've spent the last 99 of these talking about the Mets, we decide to mix things up and talk about the Nationals. Also, the Mets didn't do anything last week. The Nationals did sign Max Scherzer, so Greg and Jeffrey discuss if it's a good deal for the Nats, and what it might mean for the 2015 (and beyond) Mets. We also have your e-mails on Matz vs. Syndergaard, Beane vs. Alderson, why the Wilpons are still here, and we'll try to talk you off the ledge so you are around for the next 100 (or 104?) of these. Cheers!