The Well-Versed Family :: Caroline Boykin {Ep. 51}…and giveaway!

Don't Mom Alone Podcast  show

Summary: A harsh word thrown across the table by one brother led to an all-out verbal war in the midst of the mashed potatoes. Not quite the family dinner I pictured. So I  jumped in with the lecture (and a side of guilt). . .blank stares greeted me.<br> If you missed it, don’t worry, tomorrow night we’ll be back again for the next performance of “life around the table” (don’t forget to tip your waitress).<br> anyone else relate? <br> I love and care and serve my children. My heart longs for them to live their best lives. To stay on the path of life and pursue God whole-heartedly.<br> But my lectures and my training can only go so far.<br> <br> “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” (Romans 8:14)<br> <br> Ultimately, they need to be led by the Holy Spirit, to hunger and thirst for righteousness, and to be called sons of God.<br> All of these things made possible through a knowledge of God’s Word &amp; the way of salvation.<br> Today’s guest, Caroline Boykin, guides us on how to help plant seeds of Truth in our children’s hearts. Through fun activities and a foolproof way to get your kids to ask YOU to work on memorizing Scripture, this podcast could change the course of your children’s lives and your family dynamics.<br> <a href=""></a><br> Right after I recorded this episode there was another ‘opportunity’ to use the first verse she mentions. . .”harsh words stir up anger, but a gentle answer turns away wrath”.<br> After re-training the older boys and teaching my 5 year old, I saw improvements in their interactions that afternoon (not “fixed” by any means. . . . but better). When the harshness started flying again it only took a quick reminder to readjust their attitudes &amp; words.<br> Maybe our dinner tonight will look a little different. Thank you, Caroline!<br> AND in honor of Christmas, we are giving away a copy of the newest edition of her book, “The Well-Versed Family”. . .to be released January 2015. <br> Just comment below to be entered to win. Giveaway ends December 16th. Winner announced December 17th. Book to be delivered once it is released.<br> What we chat about:<br> <br> * Why Caroline loves her newest hobby of bee keeping.<br> * Who first introduced Caroline to God’s Word.<br> * The Barbie Battle that led Caroline to teaching her own daughters Scripture memory<br> * “A harsh word stirs up anger, a gentle word turns away wrath.” Proverbs 15:1<br> * Letting God’s Word train, instead of lecturing.<br> * Learn, Link &amp; Live method.<br> * “Early Scripture memory is the single most effective life shaping tool in a parent’s toolbox.” -Joe White (Kanakuk Camps)<br> * How Caroline picked the verses she included in her book, Well-Versed Family<br> * How do you decide which verses to teach your children first<br> * Foolproof approach to Bible Memory!! (SUCH a great idea)<br> * “If you take care of the minutes, the years take care of themselves”- Benjamin Franklin<br> * <a href="" target="_blank">Dawson Trotman’s</a> “last thought, first thought” theory of the power of the last thing you hear before falling asleep.<br> * Three fun Scripture memory activities you can do with your kids<br> <br> Connect with Caroline:<br> <a href="" target="_blank">Blog</a> :: Book (new edition – Jan 2015) :: <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a><br> Show Notes:<br> <br> * Scott Turansky, on <a href="" target="_blank">Internal vs. External Motivation-Ep #2-podcast</a><br> * Clay Clarkson, Heartfelt Discipline: Following God’s Path of Life...