Annie, Into the Woods, & Night at the Museum 3 :: Family Movie Moms {Ep 53}

Don't Mom Alone Podcast  show

Summary: So how’d your Christmas go?<br> We had a wonderful morning just the 6 of us at home for the first time. Joy.<br> <a href=""></a><br> The day after Christmas we left town to be with my family in North Carolina. Can I just say. . .that’s beautiful country. My brother’s home is up in the mountains and every morning I woke up with the same shock &amp; awe.<br> With days and days of no school/work commitments, we’ve made the time to watch a few movies. So has my friend, <a href="" target="_blank">Amanda White</a>. . .<br> Amanda &amp; I decided to record a New Year’s episode to help your family pick which of these PG movie(s) you could see this weekend.<br> (Because one of these films is definitely NOT for young children). <br> <a href=""></a><br> Happy New Year &amp; Happy Listening!<br> What we talk about:<br> <br> * Our favorite Christmas movies (see show notes)<br> * Amanda’s shocked response to “Into the Woods” and her important WARNING to parents.<br> * What happens 3/4rds of the way through the movie.<br> * How she loved the songs, the creativity, the costumes. . .but the ending ruined it for her.<br> * AND her fear parents will think it’s a movie for little kids.<br> * Amanda’s thoughts on how Hollywood keeps re-making classics.<br> * What scary/naughty parts are missing from the new Annie movie.<br> * Warning to parents of adoptive/foster parents.<br> * Why Annie got bad reviews from movie critics &amp; what made this version better than the older version<br> * Heather’s favorite song sequence–about people changing<br> * Warning–Miss Hannigan scenes may be a little frightening.<br> * A little cheesy but leaves you with a happy feeling.<br> * If you’re a fan of the Night Museum movies, then you’ll like the 3rd one.<br> * Weird/silly scene between the security guard and caveman.<br> * Conversation of whether Ben Stiller should let his son choose to skip going to college to be a DJ in Spain.<br> * The one thing Heather liked (being a boy mom) in the movie–a boy becoming a man–her favorite character, Sir Lancelot.<br> * The tangent we go on about children living at home with their parents &amp; prolonged adolescence.<br> * God’s will is not for your dream to come to . . . it’s to follow God’s plan, not your comfort.<br> * Amanda’s trip to the mall and her thoughts from the American Girl Store.<br> * Two characters who passed away before Night at the Museum released. . .poignancy of Robin William’s last line.<br> * Forgot to mention in the podcast my boys were scared near the end of the movie of when the Egyptian prince’s skin starts changing/decaying. . .a little creepy.<br> <br> Show Notes:<br> <br> * “The Very First Noel” by Exclaim Entertainment–used copies only <br> * “It happened on 5th Avenue”<br> * Into the Woods–<a href="" target="_blank">Common Sense Media Review</a><br> * Annie–<a href="" target="_blank">review on IMDB </a><br> * Night at the Museum 3–<a href="" target="_blank">review on IMDB</a><br> * <a href="" target="_blank">Goat Milk Stuff Podcast</a><br> * <a href="" target="_blank">Ragamuffin</a> –Rich Mullin’s life story–available on Netflix<br> <br> Connect with Amanda:<br> <a href="" target="_blank">Blog</a> :: <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter </a>:: <a href="http://instagram."></a>