Episode 95: The State of the State of the Union Address, Extreme Circumstances for Abortion, and How Harvard Hates Its Own Health Care

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less show

Summary: Another rerun<br> More free stuff, and making the eeevil rich pay for it. The State of the Union Address was a rerun of so many other speeches by Democratic presidents. So then, what is the state of the State of the Union Address?<br> There are some extreme medical circumstances that cause women to choose abortion. The latest is really pushing the envelope on the definition of “extreme”.<br> Harvard professors advised the Obama campaign on many things, including health care. Now that they have Obamacare(tm), their reaction to it is notable.<br> Episode 100 is coming up in a month or so. I’d like to get your thoughts on how this podcast has made a difference in your thoughts, or how you’ve made a difference in others, and celebrate 100 episodes with your voices. E-mail me at considerthis@ctpodcasting.com, or call 267-CALL-CT-0, 267-225-5280, and let’s hear how you have considered this.<br> Mentioned links:<br> <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/06/us/health-care-fixes-backed-by-harvards-experts-now-roil-its-faculty.html">Harvard Ideas on Health Care Hit Home, Hard</a><br> <a href="http://www.ncregister.com/blog/matthew-archbold/woman-aborts-baby-at-28-weeks-because-of-babys-deformed-left-hand">Woman Aborts Baby at 28 Weeks Because of Baby’s Deformed Left Hand</a><br> <a href="http://www.mrctv.org/blog/5-facts-about-state-union-obama-neglected-mention#YGYCHP:6FK">5 Facts About the State of the Union Obama Neglected to Mention</a><br> <a href="http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/20/obama-calls-civility-then-immediately-taunts-repub/">Obama calls for civility, then immediately taunts Republicans over his two presidential wins</a><br> <a href="http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/obama-knocks-constant-fundraising-then-immediately-asks-donations_824183.html">Obama Knocks ‘Constant Fundraising,’ Then Immediately Asks for Donations</a><br> <a href="http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/20/obama-sets-modern-record-veto-threats-state-union-/">Obama sets record for veto threats in State of the Union address</a><br> <br> Getting some shopping done? If you're going to shop at <a href="http://considerthis.ctpodcasting.com/amazon">Amazon</a>, please consider clicking on my affiliate link. Thanks!<br> <br> You can subscribe to the podcast via <a href="http://considerthis.ctpodcasting.com/itunes">iTunes</a>. And please leave a comment letting them know how you like it. I really appreciate listener ratings on iTunes, which can also lead to having more listeners, and more ratings! Keep the ball rollin’!<br> <br> The <a href="http://considerthis.ctpodcasting.com/stitcher">Stitcher Network</a> is another possibility. You can find podcasts, add them to your favorites, and then either listen to them on the web site, stream them to your smart phone, or to some snazzy GM, Ford, and BMW car. If you do download Stitcher to your phone, please use the promo code “ConsiderThis” to let them know where you heard about it.<br> <br> You can listen on the <a href="http://considerthis.ctpodcasting.com/blubrry">Blubrry Network</a> if you like. You can find podcasts and save them to your MyCast list, and come back anytime and listen to the latest episodes.<br> <br> Similarly, <a href="http://considerthis.ctpodcasting.com/playerfm">Player.fm</a> allows you to subscribe to podcasts and play all the latest episodes from your browser.<br> <br> And if you have some other podcatcher or RSS reader, <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/ctpodcasting/considerthis">click here to get the direct feed</a> and paste it wherever you need it.<br> <br> I would love it if you would spread the word about the podcast! Click the Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Digg or LinkedIn icons below (or all of them!) to recommend "Consider This!" to your social media audience.<br> Show transcript<br> For years, Harvard’s experts on health economics and policy have...