Earl Grey 70: Comedy Gold Pressed Latinum

Star Trek Podcast | Earl Grey - The Next Generation | Trek.fm show

Summary: Comedic Episodes. Star Trek: The Next Generation is a show that tackles serious issues, including life and death, morality, mortality, and the meaning of existence. However, TNG also features many comedic episodes and moments showing that it does not take itself too seriously. Comedy features in Q's many appearances (either showing up naked on the bridge or as the Sheriff of Nottingham) to Lwaxana Troi chasing Captain Picard around the Enterprise. Phillip, Daniel, and Darren discuss their favorite comedic episodes, from "Captain's Holiday" to "A Fistful of Datas," as well as the lines and moments that made them laugh just like Data at the end of "Deja Q." Join in the laughter as Earl Grey initialize The Comic Holodeck program and talk comedy in TNG. Hosts Phillip Gilfus, Daniel Proulx, & Darren Moser Editor / Producer Darren Moser Production Manager Richard Marquez Content Coordinator Will Nguyen Chapters Deja Q (00:04:39) QPid (00:10:15) Manhunt (00:19:25) Captain's Holiday (00:26:19) A Fistful of Datas (00:30:56) TNG Funny Highlights (00:36:15) Closing (00:45:05) Send us your feedback! Twitter: @trekfm Facebook: http://facebook.com/trekfm Voicemail: http://www.speakpipe.com/trekfm Contact Form: http://www.trek.fm/contact Visit the Trek.fm website at http://trek.fm/ Subscribe in iTunes: http://itunes.com/trekfm Support the Network! Become a Trek.fm Patron on Patreon and help us keep our shows coming to you every week. We have great perks for you at http://patreon.com/trekfm