#66: Another New Year ~ What Will You Do Different? [Podcast]

The Strategic Living Podcast with Brian Holmes show

Summary: Nothing Changes Until Something Changes! Another year has come and gone, and with all of our ideas, plans and even dreams, WE have to change if our results are going to be different than 2014. So many people can imagine themselves out of debt, healthy and at an ideal weight, making more money, owning THAT house or vehicle, or starting that business, YET, so many struggle to make the necessary internal changes that bring about lasting and positive results. The issue is not the WHAT, and sometimes it is not even the WHY. The real issue is that WHAT WILL YOU DO? The real issue is are we willing to make necessary changes, adjustments, re-arranging our priorities, applying discipline, structure, coaching, counsel? Are we willing to SHIFT our ways, so that we can SEE the change we desire? Someone once said, we have to BE the change we desire to see. In this episode, I want to challenge you with this idea: It'sĀ Another New Year ~ What Will You Do Different?